From Co-Stars to Life Partners: Dini Schatzmann and Janna Nick Say “I Do”

Dini and Janna Nick wedding.

Celebrities Dini Schatzmann and Janna Nick’s, relationship status had long been a mystery to fans. The speculations were finally put to rest on June 10th 2023 as they became husband and wife. The stunning couple exchanged vows (akad nikah) ceremony was held at Masjid Aisyah in Langkawi.

The akad nikah ceremony was witnessed by Janna Nick’s father, Muner Abdullah, along with the mosque chairman Haji Othman Yahya, and the bride’s cousins, Amir Fikri and Amar Fikri, took place at 8:35 am. In a symbolic gesture, Dini Schatzmann presented a gold chain and a dowry (mas kahwin) of RM2,703, representing the date of their first encounter on March 27, 2019.

Following the akad nikah, the newlyweds celebrated their wedding with a reception held at a resort in Pantai Cenang. Adorned in white, their special day was graced by the presence of family members, celebrity friends, and close friends.

A Joyous Celebration with Family and Friends

Celebrity guests included Ain Edruce, Puteri Sarah Liyana, Izzue Islam, Nora Danish, Elfira Loy, Nabila Razali, and Indonesian actor Baim Wong.

The radiant couple expressed their excitement and gratitude as they embarked on this new chapter of their lives as husband and wife. Dini Schatzmann shared her utmost happiness, saying, “Alhamdulillah, I feel the utmost happiness. I also feel a sense of relief now that the wedding ceremony is complete and everything went smoothly. This marks the beginning of our new journey as husband and wife. We planned for a wedding that is personal and private, with more significance for our families. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime moment for us, and we want to make this event a beautiful memory for the two of us.”

Janna Nick, too, expressed her trembling excitement as she entered the realm of marriage and embraced the role of a wife. “This is a significant phase and the biggest step of my 28-year-old life. It changes my status from being single to becoming a wife and, God willing, a mother It’s about celebrating this new phase with my beloved family and friends.”

The couple will enjoy their honeymoon in nearby Koh Lipe, Thailand, due to their busy filming schedule. Janna Nick confidently stated that they are prepared and open to the blessing of a child when the time is right. Their journey as husband and wife has just begun, and they eagerly await the next chapter of their lives together.

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